Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Night Blues.

You know the excitement that comes with Friday afternoons when you have finished your last class, and the entire weekend is stretched out in front of you?  That's an awesome feeling.  Y'all know what is NOT awesome?? Sunday nights.  When the entire WEEK is stretched out in front of you?  Bummer.  You feel completely overwhelmed and perhaps even a little depressed at the thought of another week.  I call them...the Sunday Night Blues.

While you cannot always shake the Sunday Night Blues, there are certain things you can do help.

  1. Sleep through it.
  2. Make your roommate eat pizza and watch TV with you.  Misery does love company.
  3. Enjoy a beverage.  Shake things up with a martini!  
  4. Jump on facebook and take comfort in fellow college students' pathetic and sorrowful statuses knowing that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
  5. Call your mama.  Mothers always have a way of forcing you to look at the bright side.
Take it easy everyone!  

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Google as a lifestyle.

Alarm goes off.  Roll out of bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, fix my hair, decide what to wear.  What is the weather going to be like today?  Let me google that.  For me, googling starts this early in the morning and is something that I continue to do throughout the day.  I use google to find directions, movie times, weather, web pages, songs, lyrics, recipes, and "HOW-TOs" for just about every single thing I need instructions on.

Google has become a part of my everyday life.  Aside from the search engine, I also use google maps, youtube, and gmail!  Multiple times a day.  While I do find google addictive, I don't think it affects anyone in a negative way.  If something works for you...why not keep doing it?  Google is always there to offer solutions to problems you might face everyday, and I am reliant on it's services.  But again... so what??

I would consider Google to be more of a lifestyle than an addiction anyway.  I doubt anyone sits around going through withdrawals if they have not googled anything yet today.  Instead, I feel it is more appropriate to say that as technology of all kinds play bigger roles in our lives today, we are simply changing the way we find answers to our questions and other aspects of our lives.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

prompt #1 for Professor Macek

I read through Megan Reardon's interview on why and what she blogs.  I must say.. her viewpoint on blogging is much like my own.  She is intrigued by the blogging process as it almost like reading someone's personal diary.  Who doesn't want to know the secret thoughts of another person?  It's hard enough to get to know people as it is.. if they take their thoughts, put them into words, and post them for you to read at makes getting to know a person much easier.

One thing that I found rather interesting about Megan's interview was that she is not an obsessed blogger.  While her blog is, evidently, wildly popular with some people, she is not addicted to the game.  She blogs about things that interest her.  She blogs about things she wants to remember.  The funny part is... she started blogging to save space on her refrigerator.

She blogs about knitting.  She blogs about baking.  She blogs about what is going on in her head.  She does not worry about posting too much of her personal life, so she does not have to worry about upsetting any readers.  She keeps relationships with her readers by answering any questions that are sent to her.  She keeps her blogs simple, honest, and to-the-point.

With all of the updated technology and new & improved ways to blog.. Megan keeps it simple.  Today she blogs in the same way, in the same format, as she did the day she started.  Simplicity is her style, and it works for her.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Helllooooooo blogosphere!

My name is Katlyn. I'm new to your world.  I am very excite to join the blogosphere and entertain you with my 350 words per week. Check out my facebook page!